3:27 p.m. Today's project was to arrange a ride to and from church because we wouldn't have a car until sometime Monday. Once I got my list of errands accomplished, staying home last night and today were no problem. Last night Steve and I watched Hitchcock's "Dial M for Murder," and today, we took advantage of the sunny day to work in the garden and give the dogs a bath.
Just one problem--how would we get to church and Home Fellowship? We could get a ride to second service with my daughter, but she teaches children's church 3rd service. So we'd need a ride home. I was also trying to think of anyone from Riverside in our Home Fellowship group who could find room for the two of us, but wasn't coming up with anyone. It was just too much to ask anyone from Moreno Valley to pick us up, drive us to the far eastern edge of town, and then back home to Riverside afterwards (even though someone probably would have done it, bless their loving hearts). I was resigned to giving that wonderful Bible study a miss this week.
The Lord kept telling me to call our good friends Bob and Debbie, I figured for that much-needed ride home from church. So after scrubbing up hands and feet that seemed like they'd never get clean again from embedded garden soil, I gave Debbie a call. Explaining about my car in the body shop, I asked if they would please do us a favor and give us a ride home from church. She said, "How about this? We'll loan you our Focus! We don't need it and you'd have much more flexibility for the weekend." I said, "WOW, you're kidding!" She went on, "And I can just drive Bob to work on Monday. Then I'll go along with Bob later on and we'll get the car from you when you have yours back!"
I was just stammering my gratitude and disbelief at what I was hearing. We made arrangements for later in the afternoon and said goodbye. I immediately texted the kids and couldn't wait to tell Steve when he came back from walking the dogs. He was thrilled, and we prayed with thanksgiving for the fruit of the Spirit, love, shown in our friends' lives, to a God who is so much bigger than to limit Himself to the tiniest amount of help for one of His children!
Ephesians 3:20a describes God as
Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think
and Psalm 23:6 assures me
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Bob and Debbie just called to say they are on their way--it's just too much and I pray I won't collapse in tears...
Bob arrived with the lovely silver car, and we joyfully fellowshipped with him before Debbie drove up with their main car. Everything was in great order, and our time together was sweet.
The sun set, the temperature dropped, and our friends headed home, leaving behind what Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 2:15 as "the fragrance of Christ."
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