I had bought these clothes and stocking stuffers the day after Thanksgiving when finances were in good order and Steve's Social Security payments had begun, so stewardship was not an issue. Living on a fixed income takes some getting used to, especially if a bureaucracy is in control of the distribution of that income! Like us, those who have dealt with State unemployment and/or disablility benefits have hit some real gaps in delivery, whereas pensions and annuity income are very reliable, being based on private earnings. A nasty surprise was on the way!
Checks had come along very regularly until early November, when Steve began receiving odd amounts, like $72, while the stub stated that his weekly pay was much more! What? We speedily gave the form we received to fill out to our doctor as to Steve's current condition, and were assured that it was mailed to E.D.D. in the addressed, stamped envelope we had provided. I am very on top of paperwork and return all agency demands immediately, and this was no exception. We spoke to an agent and were told that 10 days after receipt of the doctor's signed form, the next check would be issued. Praise the Lord--Steve hadn't been summarily dismissed from his benefits, we were relieved to know!
It is now December, 1/3 of our income is missing, and major bills are due! I had only removed the few items I had worn from the huge bag, but the rest were still wrapped in tissue paper. I prayed about it this morning, and God showed me where the receipt was, in its tidy Ziploc bag, and I knew what I had to do! My hesitation was based on the 20 mile distance and my low gas tank; causing a salesgirl to lose her commission; and some embarassment, although a customer always has the right to return unworn clothing items. I had even taken my darling owl ornament off the tree when the Lord reminded me that its delicate wood-shaving tail had broken off and I'd Tacky-glued it, so it could not be returned--even if it does look flawless now!
Christians are reminded in Romans 12:17, KJV, "Provide things honest in the sight of all men." And that is my intention, no matter the temptation!
Steve and I took off after church, eating the pack lunch I had assembled of string cheese, wheat rolls, an apple and veggie chips. It was cold and breezy as we exited the car and strode a couple of blocks on the city-style walkways of Victoria Gardens. The line at the Coldwater Creek counter was pretty short, and in no time, the manager was asking me, "Do you want to return all this? Even the chocolates?" "Yes," I said, simply concurring, because there was no explanation required. I was glad the manager "just happened" to be the person helping me, because she had to type in all of the skew numbers item by item , while an associate next to her was struggling with the return of only two items from her customer! Nevertheless, it was a tedious process, but Steve handled it well, just window shopping around the store.
Oddly, I wasn't embarassed, any more than someone else might be who was returning a garment for a wrong fit or color. Knowing why I had to return the gifts was painful, but basic necessities of life are more important than impressing others with my good taste, and I can practice toned-down gift-giving this Christmas with the presents I've already purchased. Our family being together in love and support for their dad is what matters most, in an earthly sense. And we are very blessed in that regard.
But spiritually, Christians practice obedience because we respect and revere the One we are obeying! the prophet Samuel told King Saul that God required obedience, not sacrifice, in I Samuel 15:22; and our ultimate example, Jesus, we are told in Philippians 2:8-9, "...humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name..."
If I want to receive blessing and commendation from my Lord one day in His presence in heaven, I must obey while in His presence here on earth!
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