
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shop in confidence

4:23 p.m. Today's project was to write down my notes, with all scripture references and quotes, into final form for tomorrow morning's I Samuel Bible study. Wednesday is reserved for this effort, which I find to be so much fun and such a creative and mental challenge that I don't even think of it as work! Doesn't the saying go, "Find something you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life"? Researching, gleaning from a variety of commentators, comparing translations, compiling notes and writing Bible studies that bring women closer to the Lord and to the victorious life He has planned for us, is the most enjoyable avocation ever! To have an impact for the Lord is a tremendous privilege, and one not to be taken lightly! It is only the anointing of the Holy Spirit that could cause one of our group to say that she feels like she is "finally coming out of the desert;" and that "in studying I Samuel we are getting to know ourselves." As this last statement has sunk in over the last week or two, I have realized that the Bible portrays real people in real life--just like we are living "real life" right now, in "real time."
After I had finished the homework, which I do just like the other ladies, and with the study "wrapped," it was time to treat myself to some fun time with Steve, who'd been busy outside while I was in my office. After our lunchtime discussion with Heidi over wedding and catering details, we drove to Mission Grove Plaza for his Fantastic Sam's haircut and to buy anniversary gifts for one another at KMart. While Steve got a very nice trim, I took care of stopping an autoship plan from a vitamin company in his name (by putting him on the phone while the hairdresser was scissoring away) and cut way back on my own shipment schedule. I got a return authorization number for the unopened package, so it will ship back UPS for free, saving me more than just the $89+ of the enclosed product. Every penny counts these days...

Off to KMart. For Steve to go gift shopping for me gets a little tricky, since with his Alzheimer's, he won't know it's our anniversary past the moment I tell him, and thus can't plan ahead. He cannot drive to a store, and doesn't ever know whether he has money. The Lord has graciously given me some strategies that help my husband to be as independent as possible, such as having cash to pay for his own haircut because he can't use an ATM card or write checks. We had a $20 limit apiece.
We headed to the women's clothing section, to the bargain sundresses. I told him my size and pointed to a dress or two that I liked. Then I went to the men's area and selected a pair of navy jogging/workout pants, which also were on sale. Thank you, Lord, for your provision!

I called Steve on his cell, and we met up front at the registers. To preserve the "mystery," I suggested that he get in a different line. He looked a little nervous, because he depends on being with me, but he did well, even changing lines when there were hangups with the customer in front of him. I was really proud of all that he accomplished out in public today!!

It seems so little of an accomplishment, to purchas items independently at a store, something I trained my kids to do in elementary school while I stood nearby. But for Steve, at the cusp of mid-stage Alzheimer's, it was a real confidence-builder!

I like this phrase from Isaiah 30:15, "In quietness and confidence shall be your stength." True indeed.

Plus, he looks really handsome today!!

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