
Monday, June 11, 2012

Work: your plan and put it in God's hands

4:10 p.m. Today's project was to start up my studying for Thursday's Bible study. Cracking the commentaries, Bible dictionary, Strong's concordance, various translations and Manners and Customs of the Bible, might be categorized as work, but for me it's more of a calling. and furthermore, it's great, exhilarating fun!

Interesting, isn't it, that work isn't work when God calls you to it! For the Christian, fulfilling God's will for our lives is pure joy, no matter how many obstacles Satan throws into our path! The first call is to repentance and salvation, giving our lives to Christ. Then we find out which special, unique job (or jobs) we have been assigned by the Holy Ghost to carry out within the church, the Body of Christ! Ephesians  2:10 says,

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

What is the good work God has prepared for you, believer? What gift has God given you to bless, cheer, assist, teach, train or even rescue others? My mother's calling was to be home and take care of my younger sister and me. After my sister went away to college, she began her second career--retail store management. With her people-loving personality, my mom was great at it, too!

But no one is saying that "working your plan" will be easily accomplished! My day began dreadfully, far too early!

At about 4:45, fifteen minutes before Steve's caregiver was to arrive, Steve got up. I had to get him back to bed, and then tried to sleep until 6:00. I got up, but the 5 a.m. care giver hadn't arrive yet. Oh no! So I quickly emptied the dishwasher, got breakfast things all set up for Steve (his meds chopped and put into applesauce, bread slices in the toaster, cereal in his bowl) , ran back upstairs, read my Spurgeon's Morning & Evening  devotional, showered qyuckly and dressed.. 6 :30 came-- still no caregiver, so I took the applesauce upstairs, woke him up and fed it to him. Then I shaved him and had him wait upstairs for the caregiver who finally appeared 2 hours late at 7:00! You might recall that the Special Transportation bus picks Steve up at 8 a.m. sharp! I now had another new caregiver to train, but he did get Steve dressed, fed, teeth brushed and out waiting for the bus by 8 a.m. And I actually completed my scripture reading and both journall entries.Thank You, Lord!

Jesus was so good as to even allow my and Cara's prayer time to start by 8:08! Fascinating to see all this uproar on the day I began my notes for the Thursday study. But  study I did, most of the day, interrupted only by customers bringing me Mary Kay orders and money!  My only outing was to take Steve with me to deposit said money in the bank (and recruit a teller to pre-sell a new Lash Kit for me).

The devil may harass us, tire us, and momentarily disrupt our ministry calling,  but when we take that principled, scriptural stand that says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15), he has to flee in the name of Jesus. "For greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" (I John 4:4).

Tonight, I can go to bed knowing that I prayed over my tasks, giving all to God, both Body ministry and business; worked hard, and saw God bring my prayer requests to pass. As the saying goes,

 "Work like it all depends on you, and pray like it all  depends on God!"

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