
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fresh greens

2:43 p.m. Today's project was to see how the garden is progressing, other than just looking out of my office window! I hadn't gardened since last Sunday, when we had our grandsons out to help us weed.

I got up from prayer yesterday morning, looked through the office blinds and began to head out there but checked myself. "I have to get to the wedding!" Today I was treated to a wonderful sight. The flowers that I'd thinned last week hardly look like it because they're back in full force, enjoying the mild weather. Can't wait until they bloom! I just saw one pretty nasturtium so far.
Some of my leaf lettuce was ready for picking, a gorgeous light lime color. I even have pea pods filling in since last week, volunteers from last summer's garden, totally out of season. I have to hand it to those peas, normally a summer crop: they are "instant in and out of season," just like God expects us to be in sharing God's Word, always ready and willing! (II Timothy 4:2) When I consider that I was bellyaching just last week about my slow lettuce, commiserating about it with my married daughter whose housemates have a garden, I have to laugh, amazed at the steady pace of growth God designs. Just like my children each made their progress toward the day of delivery, it's His timing that will come to pass with my winter crops!
Personal responsibilities that seem to steadily increase or at least persist, activating visions for women's ministry at church and writing a Bible study on the Letter to the Hebrews are this year's priorities. How grateful I am that God has been quietly working behind the scenes in His creation, needing no help from me at all! Diligence in all areas of life is an expectation for all believers, but God gives us the free will and freedom to prioritize our duties and to pursue our interests. I praise the Lord that I was able to retire, be home for Steve, and have more time for ministry than I have in many years. I am also enjoying renewed friendships from past years, enhanced fellowship with our Piecemaker and RV'ing friends, as well as being allowed to mentor and encourage struggling women of all ages.
God is working in many areas of my life in seen and unseen ways. My heavenly Father, whom Isaiah 28:29b describes, as "wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance," will do just that for me and for you--counsel and guide!

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