
Thursday, January 21, 2010

So glad I'm home!

5:49 p.m. Today's project started out to be revising and finishing up my Bible study for Moms' Morning on Saturday on a rainy day when staying inside was definitely the preferable option!

Steve settled down in the offfice to watch "The Gospel of John" on his portable DVD player, since I had to use the desktop computer with printer for my writing, and it sits in the middle of the kitchen and the family room, and no radio or tv would be "welcome." Peace and quiet are a writer's friends! The day was so dark that even with my kitchen lights on, I had to plug in a bright desk lamp to shine from the counter over my shoulder so I could work.

I had almost finished my comments on verse 17 of Ephesians 6 when I got a text from married daughter Heather: "Are you home?" "Yes." "Can I come over?" "Of course." What was up, I wondered, getting some more typing done, maybe she wants to watch a show on our DVR.

Just a few moments later, there was my wet, somber baby girl, and I asked, "Come to watch Project Runway?" "No Mom," she cried, "everything's all wrong!" Whoa!

We hugged ourselves over to the couch, I closed off my document, and it all came tumbling out. It was a very familiar issue for young marrieds: making sure not to get too busy with outside commitments--even church--that precious time together gets shorted. Those are busy years--finishing school, getting careers launched, serving in ministry--many, many young Christian couples have found themselves in the same boat. It's simply a matter of transition, from the hectic pace of dating, going to as many events and get-togethers as possible so you can see one another, to the more measured, orderly pace of getting to know one another, communicating in every way, building a home. There's no substitute for time, none.

We worked on some options, possible time frames for changes, and even made out a grid. One thing we realized is that with some free evening time while Nick is at grad school, Heather needs to develop a new hobby--learning to sew her own vintage clothes. We prayed together, I fed her some of my cheese meatballs, and off we went to Joann's yardage store to begin her new adventure!

A delightful two hours ensued, with Heather learning everything from the bottom up: selecting a pattern, her material, getting it cut, and then adding scissors and notions. I also bought two crosstitch designs, a magnifier, embroidery needles, floss, and some 14-count Aida cloth for a new undertaking of my own, now that my quilt is finished.

The old peppy sparkling Heather returned! After visiting with her sister back at our house for a few minutes, she took her notes from our talk (and some chicken breasts I gave her) and went home with a plan and a project.

I'm so glad I'm at home!

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