
Friday, July 13, 2012

Hear and obey

3:33 p.m. Today's project was to head to the Upper Echelon beauty salon for my hair appointment. With a family wedding tomorrow, I figured this was not a week to skip. Also, since the beauticians are my Mary Kay customers, it's good to keep in close contact! Diligence in business is definitely encouraged in the Proverbs! Proverbs 14:23 says,

In all labor there is profit,
But idle chatter leads only to poverty.

So I was in the company of a room full of other successful businesswomen today. I enjoy the salon for the friendships and long-standing relationships. The customers and operators we super excited when I showed them my latest STAR consultant prize (pictured below) and the ones for next quarter. It's great girl time! It's made even better now that we have grand babies popping up, my newest little boy included. Today was special, because the owner Chris' daughter-in-law came in with her four year-old daughter and 3 month old son. My hairdresser Irene and I left the shampoo bowl to get a close-up look at the little guy, and to pat his chubby cheeks and arms. He's just a couple of weeks younger than our newest grandson Clark.

When my hair was finished, I went to the back where the young mother and her children were enjoying hamburgers and fries. I kept thinking, "Should I give her my card with the sample eyeshadow?" I prayed several times in the intervening minutes. Finally, I got up my resolve and offered her my card with a pretty eyeshadow sample attached to the back. She thanked me, and then said, "You look so familiar!" I introduced myself, and as she asked where we might know each other from, we narrowed it down to King High School, Class of 2004, the year my Heather graduated. Megan was on Dance Team with Heather!! I jotted down an appointment time for a facial for her, and told her that Heather is now a photographer.

And, the Lord was so gracious--Megan mentioned that she wished she'd had a good professional photographer at her wedding, so she's looking to have some nice pictures done now, with her family!

If I hadn't listened to the Lord and offered Megan my card, and become re-acquainted, I wouldn't have made a free pampering appointment for this new mom, as well as potentially help my daughter provide stunning professional family pictures for her old high school friend's family. And of course, my hairdresser profited as well from my appointment. I love this verse, Ecclesiastes 11:1:

Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.

Let's be warm, friendly, and open-handed with the services we have to offer! Rest assured, God will never be our debtor!

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