
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

May His handiwork be seen in mine!

3:48 p.m. Today's project was to follow up on the suggestions of a well-known Christian author and "flesh out" the notes and commentary on my A Woman's Walk through the Word:Galatians Bible study. I've been praying about her wise counsel, and the Lord has shown me to go forward.

The first step was to email my conceptual editor at Tate publishing and let her know that I'll be using my lecture notes to add to each lesson's commentary. I plan to give more thorough explanations of the text as well as adding personal touches as I would if I were speaking with the reader in a Bible study setting. To my delight, and in confirmation of the decision I'd come to, editor Brianna agreed, having already planned to point me in the same direction!

My concept has been to let the written Word of God, seen in the verses the reader looks up, speak for themselves, as the Holy Spirit leads. And for the women who have completed the lessons independently online, that's the way it works out. Scripture confirms and explains Scripture, and brings to mind just what the Lord has designed each individual to receive. II Timothy 3:16-17 says,

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Some very mature believers are able to glean from the Word for themselves, being very attuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Most people, however, benefit much more from having a pastor or Bible teacher lead them into the truths of the Word. Bible teaching guides and shapes the fellowship--koinonia-- that makes up the Church. God has designed us for interaction centered in Him, and calls leaders of the Body of Christ to provide structured settings for that crucial interaction.

I am keeping in mind that a person who comes into a Christian bookstore and picks up the Galatians study will require more background facts and interpretation included than one who can ask her question on the spot in a study setting. And the personal touch, tone of voice, and "birdwalking" I tend to do when teaching can be captured in part if I reveal my life experiences as the Spirit brings them to mind. My desire is that my love for the Bible and my love for the Body would come through on every page!

For today, I added some phrases from my speaking notes, and strove to let my awe and admiration for the Word infuse the study's introduction. There will be much work ahead, and lots of editing. But when I picture this truth, that "you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus," (Galatians 3:26) dawning on someone's heart, and possibly turning them away from false doctrines, it will all be worth it!

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