lathering of sunscreen. I don't wear a hat because it'd only make me hotter on a day that promised to be a scorcher by afternoon!
I arrived in plenty of time to register, enjoy worship by Moimusic, and put on the bright yellow and black t-shirt. Old and new friends joined together as longtime neighbor Brian Park gathered us together and the youth pastor from Magnolia Ave. Baptist Church led us in prayer. It seemed that at 1:30 the weather wasn't all that hot--that was a much needed relief. All my worry for nothing--as usual! One day I guess I'll realize that God is in control, whether the issues are huge, like the prolife purpose of our walk, or tiny, like me getting too hot!
My choice for the day was the 1 miler, since I haven't been the world's most diligent walker lately. "Next year," I told a friend who walks 55 minutes a day, "maybe I'll do the 3 miles, too!" As I walked along, I joined up with Rita Garza's mom. We recognized one another from years ago at Harvest, I'm pretty sure, so we had a nice stroll at a pace that allowed us to talk about our families and the blessing of knowing the Lord.
We arrived at Riverside Life Services Center and took the tour. What a warm, comfortable, yet professional place for scared, expectant moms to get their questions answered, receive love, hugs, and help to make it through pregnancy and motherhood. Solid counseling, and genuine options, not the Planned Parenthood "quick fix," are given with adherence to biblical principles.
Young people with purple t-shirts that read "Powered by Christ" served cookies to those taking the tour. We also saw the spot reserved for the future ultrasound machine, a thrilling prospect! Research has shown that when women see their children moving around inside the womb, they almost invariably choose life. Babies are not mere blobs of tissue!
Room after room attested to generous donations from the community--baby and maternity clothes, diapers by the case, even strollers and nursery furniture. But it's the volunteers who man the phones that make the critical difference. Their compassionate voices invite frightened women to be surrounded by people who care and can help them through a crisis pregnancy.
As soothing to me as the cool breeze was to my momentary physical need, is the voice of the One who says to any and all of us, "You are not alone."
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